Produce Boiling Hot Water,
Anywhere, Anytime
With Absolutely
No Power Whatsoever...

From: Mike Walters
Consumer Reporter
In a crisis situation, hot water may seem like an unimaginable luxury ... but in reality, it's a necessity!
You don't realize how much you use hot water until you don't have it ... and then it seems that you need it for a dozen different things. The Hot Water Rocket from Powerful Living is truly an elegant solution that enables you to have piping hot water when there's no electrical power, no batteries, and no fuel.
This remarkable piece of gear weighs only two pounds, and at 18" long, is easily portable. Best of all, it can take a pint of water from stone cold to boiling hot in approximately one hour.
When you are on an outdoor trip, or in an emergency situation, you'll soon discover just how much you depend on hot water. You use it for preparing freeze dried and dehydrated meals. For hot beverages. For cleaning your equipment and supplies. For hygiene. The list goes on and on.

Here's how it works:
You fill the interior vacuum tube with about a pint of water. Unfold the two parabolic reflectors to focus the sun's rays directly onto the water tube. Position the Hot Water Rocket so that the reflectors face the sun. That's it. In no time at all, you'll have piping hot water.
The only drawback is that you'll have a hard time deciding exactly where to keep it - with your go-bag? With your survival supplies? With your camping or hunting gear?
Was $100.00 now on sale for $39.95 plus S&H
With the multiple ways you can use it, it's a steal at $39.95 (plus shipping & handling).
P.S. I just learned that Powerful Living is offering two additional bonuses as well when you order online. You get two free eBook reports, a $65 total value, called Peak Water: Why Clean Water Could Soon Be As Valuable As Oil, and 77 Items That Disappear From Store Shelves In A Crisis. I'm not sure how long the bonuses will be offered, so you will want to order without delay.

Total Bonuses
Peak Water Report eBook
Gone Before You Get There eBook
Total Bonus Value
+ $40.00
To get your Hot Water Rocket, order at the link below.
Buy Yours Today!
>> The Hot Water Rocket <<
(Out Of Stock)
Originally $100
Only $39.95, plus $13.95 shipping

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You can also order by sending a check or money order to:
Powerful Living
Attn. Hot Water Rocket
2200 IL Route 84
P.O. Box 361
Thomson, IL 61285